My name is Fikri Aufaa Zain

I’m a
Data Analyst

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Intro me

Hello and welcome to my website! 😊 My expertise spans across machine learning, data science, and data analyst.

I have worked on a lot of projects, both professional and personal, that involved machine learning and deep learning. Now, I’m on a research in Large Language Model fields to develop a chatbot that can assist people as a virtual assistant.

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Tensorflow Icons
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Work Experience

  1. Vidio Dot Com - Data Analyst

    August 2023 - December 2023

    • Part of Vidio’s discovery team, responsible for uncovering insights and creating ad hoc reports for stakeholders.
    • Tasked with developing a dashboard to manage stakeholder requests efficiently.
    • Analyzing user behaviors to identify patterns and trends on the Vidio platform.
    • Conducting weekly and monthly report analyses.
    • Presenting findings and insights to stakeholders in a clear and concise manner.
    • Participating in an internal project to create a new database for the product team on analyzing the performance of the top 15 sections.
  2. Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka - Machine Learning Apprentice

    February 2023 - July 2023

    • Gaining knowledge about machine learning and deep learning, including their concepts and technical aspect.
    • Make an application with other members from mobile developer and cloud computing.
    • Build a deep learning model to detect plant disease and machine learning model to recommend crops by user current location.
    • Deploy the model to the cloud and make an endpoint to access the model
  3. IVOSIGHTS - Data Intern

    August 2022 - October 2022

    • Contribute to a national project for market surveys in Indonesia.
    • Make a summary of MSME data in Indonesia and analyze it.
    • Cleaning, processing, and analyzing market data using python from Jupyter.
    • Scrapping data to get information about market at Papua and West Papua.
  4. RISTEK Fasilkom UI - Lead Data Scientist

    March 2022 - Present

    • Conduct internal class and workshop together with other lead about data science fundamental for the junior members.
    • Work on a data science projects and participate in data science related competitions as University of Indonesia Faculty of Computer science representative.
  5. University of Indonesia - Teaching Assistant

    July 2021 - December 2023

    • Image Processing in seventh semester, my duties involve creating an assignment about image processing in the frequency domain, morphological image processing, feature extraction, and pattern recognition with skimage, tensorflow, and pytorch library.
    • Database in sixth semester, my duties involve creating an assignment about Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Extended Entity-Relationship Diagrams (EERD), SQL, and overseeing the completion of the final assignments.
    • Data Structures and Algorithms in fifth semester. Prepared coding practical and assisted students in learning about Data Structures and best algorithm to use for some programming cases with Java language.
    • Programing Foundations 2 in fourth semester. Prepared coding practical and assisted 11 students in learning about Object-Oriented Programming with Java language.
    • Introduction to Digital systems in third semester. Prepared daily worksheets/practical circuit building and assisted 17 students in learning about digital systems such as number system, Boolean algebra, circuit building and logic, K-map manipulation, and sequential components.
  6. RISTEK Fasilkom UI - Data Scientist

    March 2021 - March 2022

    • My responsibilities to develop the deep learning model to do an NLP semantic analyze with the team for the official product application by RISTEK.
    • Research and study Data Science with the lead Data Scientist at RISTEK.
    • Participate in data science related competitions as University of Indonesia Faculty of Computer science representative.
    • Join a RISTEK project to build NLP model as an AI Engineer for college course review application.